A New Growing Roots...
At the core of Growing Roots, our primary mission has always been to promote optimal mental wellness across central New Hampshire. Today we are extremely proud to announce the rebrand of our clinic, Growing Roots Integrative Health & Wellness. This rebrand is the culmination of years of focus, commitment, and hard work from many of our extremely talented staff and community partners. This hard work has driven our mission forward to be able to offer a diversity of integrative mental and physical health services, of the highest quality, that are desperately needed throughout central New Hampshire.
The opportunity for Growing Roots Integrative Health & Wellness to become synonymous with high-quality healthcare is a responsibility we hold and take very seriously. Typically the services we offer in central New Hampshire can only be found in large metropolitan areas and, we are very proud to offer specialized and innovative mental health and integrative medicine services to our rural community.
The Growing Roots Integrative Health & Wellness name is rooted in the clinic’s commitment to delivering outstanding, all-encompassing care. For our logo, the tree has been used since ancient times to represent life, growth, wisdom, prosperity – all significant components we believe contribute to a life worth living. The logo also subtly captures the notion of wholeness through its circular design, core to our mission and a reflection of priorities that our entire team demonstrates through their dedication to bettering their clients’ lives.
We welcome you to explore our website and new branding, and learn more about the clinic and our team's experience, capabilities, and broad set of specialties along with our integrative health & wellness services.